THANK YOU for your interest in supporting House in the Woods and the American Heroes we serve.
Many individuals have indicated a willingness to support the mission by way of purchasing things needed at the lodge,
or for particular retreats planned.
Here you'll find a list of a few of the items on our Wish List which will improve the experience for our military men and women, and also the program as a whole.
With your help we can continue offering healing retreats to the men and women
that have served and sacrificed so much for our freedom!
Perhaps you have contacts who may be able to assist, are willing to organize a fundraiser, or simply can spread the word. We appreciate any and all willingness to support our organization with the greater mission in mind - HELPING SAVE LIVES.
If you have any questions please reach out to us!
THANK YOU for your continued support.
Gravel fill for under Hoop Barn

Good Condition
Used Truck for
Baiting and Back Woods travel

Pavement Project
around the lodge