George Washington said it best, “Every post is honorable in which a man can serve his
country.” We feel those words ring so true here at House in the Woods. Almost daily
servicemen and women walk through the door, speak to us by phone or email, and
there’s a common thread that reaches far beyond a simple military service. Many of
these men and women are so proud to have had the opportunity to serve in the United
States military that they prefer no recognition for their service.
We have often heard them say, “I was proud to be able to serve.” Recently, one man
said, “Always an honor, sometimes a pleasure,” which is quite fitting.
The Maine Wood Turners recently approached House in the Woods with an opportunity
and a great desire to show their gratitude for our heroes, our Veterans. The Eagle Cane
project is a heartfelt way to honor and recognize the sacrifices of Veterans who have
served our country. Through their artistry and dedication, these skilled craftsmen and
women, create canes that are not only functional but deeply symbolic. Each Eagle Cane
is one of a kind, handcrafted, and features a beautifully carved eagle. Each eagle
represents freedom, courage, and the unwavering spirit of those who have defended
our nation. The project was born out of a desire to give back to the Veteran community
and provide a lasting token of appreciation that Veterans can carry with pride. By using
their talents, the Maine Wood Turners ensure that Veterans feel seen, valued, and
remembered for their service and sacrifice.
Do you know a Veteran that you feel should be recognized for their service and
sacrifice? This is your chance. Anytime between now and April 1st everyone is welcome
Veteran regardless of branch, era, role, or disability. EVERY Veteran from Maine who
signed their name on the line to serve our United States military should be nominated to
receive an Eagle Cane.
House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat makes it their mission and purpose to
Give Back and say THANK YOU to all servicemembers. Without their service and
sacrifice, we would not have the freedoms that we do today. While our mission
statements are different, we are proud to collaborate with the Maine Wood Turners
because today we stand together, with a single goal in mind, to say THANK YOU for all
our Veterans have done for each of us.
eagle cane nomination and enter their information there. April 1st there will be a random
selection of 12 from these nominees, who will receive Eagle Canes presented at our
July 12th Music on the Green celebration in Lee, Maine at House in the Woods. All
selected Veterans will be contacted and invited to join us on that day not only for the
presentation but the entertainment, good music, good friends, and creating great
memories together.
Nominate 1 or nominate 100, you can enter as many as you like.
We look forward collaborating further with Maine Wood Turners and presenting more
canes in the future, so please keep that in mind. If your nominated Veteran is not
selected this time, we look forward to growing our nominee list and finding more ways to
recognize our Veterans. To us, they are all family.
Music on the Green July 12th is open to all public, as well as military families. Every
summer we look forward to spending a day together with our community, simply being
TOGETHER, which is where we find energy, healing, and connection. SAVE THE DATE
and watch for more details to follow. We share a delicious cookout, welcome
entertainers to play, and provide fun and interactive ways to get the community involved
in what’s happening here at House in the Woods. There’s something for everyone and
there’s healing here at your Home Away From Home.
Thank you in advance for the special way that you give back. Everyone has different
talents to share with the world and we appreciate the special way you use yours to give
back. Thank you also for taking the time to go now to and
nominate the Veterans you know and love.
We’ll see you soon at House in the Woods, your Home Away From Home
House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat
217 Skunk Hill Road
Lee, Maine 04455