Fall is finally here and so is deer season! I’m out hunting, and I hope you are too. Are you mentoring someone this season, or are you being mentored? Chances are if you’re hunting, someone helped you along the way, and if we want to continue to hunt as freely or maybe more freely in the future, how we hunt, and who hunts matters now more than ever. This edition of The Hunting Wire is packed full of useful and prudent mentorship advice from Karen Butler’s VoLP essay to LSU’s own Bret Collier’s first essay in our new Conservation Pillars series. Later this year look for a series about brand new deer hunters from across the United States who, together with industry partners Mossberg, GPO USA, and the National Deer Association learn how to hunt America’s most popular big game animals in a variety of geographically unique areas. We also have several rifles out for field testing with our battery of superb outdoor writers who are after moose, black bear, antelope, wolf, elk, and of course deer. Stay tuned to The Hunting Wire as they report in from around the world with their successes and failures hunting with the latest firearms, optics, and ammunition available to hunters today. As always, thank you for your support and feedback about The Hunting Wire, Jay Pinsky jay@theoutdoorwire.com
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