Elvis has left the building. WHEW... WHAT A NIGHT
Thank you Bangor Elks BPOE #244 for allowing us the use of your room, it was PERFECT.
Elvis (Don Boudreau) sang his heart out to a starry eyed crowd grateful to get a glimpse of the king himself. Attendees sang, danced, and reminisced back to when the King was still on stage.

Scott Hanington and Vann White gave an amazing performance as well as our volunteer Auctioneer team.
SAMS Veteran's program volunteers Brent Grover & Greg McNeal made a meal of a lifetime that night and topped it off with the most delicious deserts you'll ever find. The meal was a masterpiece and the room was quite for just a bit which means everyone was enjoying it!
Thanks to EVERYONE involved in Saturday night's NIGHT OUT WITH ELVIS, you all were able to raise enough money to take 12 Veterans on Outdoor retreats FREE to them, for healing and camaraderie. Those who participated will receive regular updates about the Veterans we were able to sponsor that night, as they attend the retreats throughout 2022.
As we mentioned that night, these aren't just donations going into an account. These are donations represent Veterans, with real stories, and real sacrifice.
Thank you for your support - together we truly are SAVING LIVES.
STAY TUNED... Elvis will be visiting Bangor again in 2023! You won't want to miss out.
If you'd like to get involved in next year's fundraiser please call Angie at 920-517-6749 or email at angie.gade@houseinthewoods.org
